Once you have an instance of an IObservable<T> object, Reactive Extensions (Rx) provides at least two points where you can choose an IScheduler which will determine the threading context under which the later operations will run. Those operations can be broken down into two phases: subscription and observation.
Subscription refers to the operations that modify the behaviours of an IObservable<T> (e.g. Throttle, Merge, Concat) The IScheduler for the subscription phase is assigned by the SubscribeOn() method.
Observation refers to the callback operations that are invoked as the result of observing an IObservable<T> (e.g. OnNext, OnCompleted, OnError) The IScheduler for the observation phase is assigned by the ObserveOn() method.
While not the subject of this post, you can also choose an IScheduler implementation to convert any IEnumerable<T> to an IObservable<T> with the ToObservable method. This is relevant when the IEnumerable<T> has the potential to take a long time to be enumerated.